The Bailey Brothers Box Set- the Complete Trilogy Read online

Page 7

  The ride was beautiful. After coming off the highway they took scenic routes past the sea high up on the cliffs where she could see the gentle waves crashing against the rock below. The sun glinted off the roof of the sea as though winking at her as gulls screeched overhead. Then they pulled into winding roads, going through the deep lush green of the forest. Trees bent in the wind, as though whispering to one another. Occasionally she would catch sight of a deer sprinting through the trees, frightened by the sound of the powerful engine. Eventually, the road opened out and after a couple of turns he rode up next to the lake. She could see two figures sitting on camping chairs by the edge, they turned when they heard the bike get closer.

  Ace turned off the engine and waited for her to jump off before erecting the kickstand and joining her. She managed to unclip her helmet and place it on the back of the bike. Shaking out her hair, she waited for Ace to introduce her. They strolled over to the men casually. One of them stood up and hugged Ace while the other pulled two beers out from the cooler and offered them to the newcomers.

  “This is Red,” Ace introduced him after they pulled away from the hug.

  “Hey, nice to meet you,” a grubby hand was proffered and Jen accepted the strong handshake.

  “And I’m Van, the oldest out of these two morons” the other didn’t wait for niceties and she shook his hand too.

  Red was more muscular than his other brothers but had a kind face. He had several scars etched across his skin, a dark beard and was heavily tattooed like the others. He wore a black t-shirt which exposed his biceps and swept back hair with one loose strand falling over his left eye.

  Van, on the other hand, looked like he had been through the wars. He had cuts all over his face and shirtless chest. All that he had on his upper half was a large black bandana which swooped down, just brushing his nipples. He had minimal facial hair and had a harsher face than the rest of his brothers. He looked like he’d had it tough on whatever job he had been on previously.

  “Pleasure, my name’s Jennifer. Jennifer Jacobs,” she smiled shyly.

  “Oh, don’t we know it. I’ve seen all your movies,” Van said.

  She was surprised to see such a tough man fangirling over her. She smiled nervously while Ace pushed him back.

  “Calm down, bro. And stop slobbering over her, she just arrived. Let her get a couple of drinks down here before you jump her,” he joked.

  Ace pulled up her chair and they all sat down, staring at the lake. The cooler placed in the middle of their foursome. It was quiet around the lake with only the peaceful songs of birds echoing in the surrounding greenery. She smiled. So this is where the manly men spent their time to relax. Who would have thought?

  “So, what happened with you?” Ace directed his questions at his oldest brother, “You look like you went ten rounds with a bear.”

  Van looked at Jen suspiciously. Ace noticed and spoke up.

  “Don’t worry, she knows what type of work we’re in.”

  “You told her?” Red raised his eyebrow.

  “Well, it would pretty hard to conceal it considering she is my current job.”

  “You know I’m sitting here right? You can talk freely, I’m hardly going to be telling anyone I’ve been hanging out with mafia contractors, am I? It would ruin my career if anyone believed me in the first place.”

  Van stared at her for a moment longer before speaking, “Fine. So I got a job to sort out some of the Martinez crew which had overstepped their territory at the marina. They’d docked one of their yachts and our lot wanted to send them a message. As usual, Jimmy got a bit too excited and started a mini turf war. All hell broke out for a couple of days. A couple of our guys got wiped out but we took their whole lot down. We kept Carlos Martinez and brought him in. Guy was screaming like a baby when I collected my earnings but I think they’re going to release him. It would start too much shit if they killed the bastard. They’ll give him a good couple of scratches as a warning but I’m sure he’ll get more once he goes back home and his crew finds out the idiot has been partying in our marina. Dumb motherfucker. He’s lucky he didn’t get killed in the crossfire and I got to him before Jimmy. Damn, I hate working with that bitch. He makes more trouble than it’s worth. We had one of his mistresses show up too, hence the nice new marks I got from her excellent manicure. I think she’ll be run through the system a few times.”

  Jennifer grimaced and Van noticed. He looked ashamed for a moment before addressing her concerns, “Listen, lady, it isn’t any of my business what they do to her and if I had it my way they shouldn’t be involved in the first place. It’s politics with them and I’m afraid the females that get involved are used as pawns in their sick games. That’s why we’re contracted and not actually part of their gangs. We do their jobs but we don’t take pleasure in killing or torturing anyone. Maybe this is why Ace shouldn’t have introduced you to this lifestyle,” he looked pointedly at his brother.

  Ace raised his hands, “She questioned me and I answered. At any rate, she’s not involved, she just has knowledge of what’s going on around her. I don’t think you should be putting me in the firing range right now, considered you left without saying where you’re going again. And why didn’t you tell us the moment shots got fired? We would have been out there by your side.”

  “That’s precisely why I didn’t tell you. I don’t need both of you putting yourself in danger too. If I die then at least you have each other.”

  Red chimed in, “Don’t even talk about dying. That’s why we look out for each other. Ace is right, you should have told us where you were. If something had happened we would have never forgiven ourselves for not helping you. We have no one else in this world so why lose each other?”

  Van looked away and stabbed at the dirt with his shoe. He didn’t look like he took being berated by his brothers well. He actually looked ashamed.

  “Wait, was that the marina killing I read about in the paper yesterday? It was all over the news. They said there had been an argument over a boat and someone had been shot. But they only mentioned the one body,” Jen leaped into the conversation.

  Van turned back to face her, “Yeah, we messed up. We’re usually quite good with concealing the bodies but we had missed one that had fallen into the water. His body got hooked up in some of the rope and the police found him a couple of days ago. The twins are going to be mad at me for a bit but I blame Jimmy for the whole fiasco.”

  “Who are the twins? I keep hearing them mentioned.”

  Ace looked at her, “They’re just our main contacts in the mafia. They call us to give us jobs and payment after it’s complete. Joe and Pearl Romano. Evil fuckers both of them. But got to say that Pearl takes the award for meanest bitch going. She’d kill her own grandma for a couple of bucks. It's best you know as little about them as possible. I’m guessing that’s who David called to get me as your protection.”

  “Yeah, definitely keep this one away from Pearl,” Red hooked an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close in mimic defense, “She has eyes for him and it’s not a great idea to get on her bad side. She’d be pissed if she thought anything had happened between you two.”

  The moment the words were out both Ace and Jen looked away awkwardly. Jen could feel herself warm up and she blushed at the memories, trying not to give anything away to the brothers but it was too late.

  “Hold on a minute,” Red grinned cheekily, “My little brother has something going on with Miss Jennifer Jacobs? Damn, you dog!” He stood up and slapped Ace on the back.

  “Shut up, you idiot,” Ace mumbled, swiping at his brother.

  Van started laughing and soon Red was joining in. Both Ace and Jennifer sat uncomfortably until their humor of the situation had died away. Red narrowed in on Jennifer.

  “So, what happened? Are you two a thing now?”

  Before she had time to answer, Ace butted in and swatted him away, “It’s nothing like that and I would appreciate if you could wipe that shit-eati
ng grin off your face. Stop harassing the girl! I had to convince her to meet you two assholes and now you’re giving her the third degree. Fuck right off!”

  Red laughed but held up his hands and returned to his seat in defeat. Wouldn’t you like to know what I’ve been doing to your sweet little brother?

  The conversation flowed easily throughout the rest of the evening, avoiding the landmine of their shared sexual activities. They went through a good couple of beers before Van stood up and beckoned for Ace to follow him. It appeared they needed to have a serious private discussion so Jennifer decided not to query their actions. She watched as they wandered down the side of the lake, skimming stones they picked up as they strolled. Red turned to her.

  “I’m not going to ask what’s going on between you and Ace, but I do ask you to not abuse his trust. He’s had enough pain to last a lifetime as it is.”

  Jen raised an eyebrow, “I have no intention of hurting him but I don’t think we’re at the level to do much damage to each other regardless. Why has Ace been through so much pain? Is it anything to do with your parents?”

  There was a brief moment of silence before Red finally opened his mouth. The pain in his eyes looked much like Ace’s but it didn’t prevent him from answering, “Has Ace told you about them yet?”

  “I know they’re both dead. He didn’t go into any details. He’s quite a closed book.”

  “I think he’s just not used to opening up to anyone. Whenever a girl has got too close in the past, he’s up and left her high and dry. He’s just done with the pain. I think that’s why he’s so afraid of talking to you, he’s never spoken to anyone else before.”

  Jen was taken aback. He’s scared?

  “So, what happened to your parents?”

  Red took a moment to gather his thoughts before answering, “I would usually not talk about it without Ace’s permission, but I can tell he likes you and its better you know now, rather than find out later in whatever relationship you’ve got going currently. Our parents were members of the Viper Squad, they’re a notorious biker gang a bit south of here. We were born into the club and raised in the clubhouse until our early teens. Everyone there were criminals and only destruction followed in their path. They had no morals and it was a sewer of drugs and dirt. I can’t remember how many times Van had to wipe my mom off the floor after another overdose or I had to drag our dad in from where he had collapsed in a drunken stupor on the porch. Our childhoods weren’t easy and we saw a lot of shit kids shouldn’t have to see. Van remembers most of it as the eldest. Poor bastard used to have to raise us as our parents were too intoxicated to even check we were alive most the time. It was Van’s 18th birthday when our world fell apart. We were in the club and some of the regulars were plying him with drinks when we heard shots fired outside. Ace must have only been ten at the time but he was a quick little bastard. He had snaked through the crowds and out the front door before we managed to stop him. He was the one that found our parent’s bodies riddled with holes, blood seeping into the ground around them. It was a fucking horrific sight. I’m surprised he isn’t in therapy from seeing our parents brutally murdered. After that, we inherited the house but we didn’t have any other family to look after us. That’s how we got involved with the mafia. Van went out looking for work and they eventually found him. We made good money and sold the family house. We couldn’t stay there with all the memories. We got a new place and still live there now. It’s our haven. Ace and I followed in Van’s footsteps and got involved with the mafia. We made good money and we cut all ties with the Viper Squad. That’s where we are today.”

  Jen soaked in the information which had poured from Red’s mouth. Now I understand why Ace is so closed off. It’s not that he doesn’t like me, he’s just scared. I can’t believe he’s been going on this long with such traumatic experiences playing through his head on repeat. She wanted to run over to him and hug him.

  “Thank you for telling me,” she laid a hand on Red’s, “It means a lot that you shared such a personal story with me. Do you really think Ace likes me?”

  Red scoffed, “Are you kidding me? I haven’t seen him look at a woman like that before. You’re either a witchy temptress or he’s got it for you bad. I’m surprised he even left you alone with me. He thinks I’m the womanizer of the family.” Red winked.

  Jen laughed and leaned back in her chair. She had so much to process. The brothers returned from their walk and sat back in their seats, pulling beers from the cooler. They looked serious so whatever had been discussed must have been bad. It wasn’t for a good half hour that they both loosened up and went back to easy conversation.

  While Ace was talking, she looked over at him and pondered. His brothers think he is falling for me… but what if I’m falling for him too? Maybe this is more than just casual sex after all. Who knew I’d have a thing for a Bailey boy?

  Chapter 9


  Fat raindrops splatted across the patio flooring and puddles formed in the lines joining the paving slabs. Droplets ran from the overhanging leaves and pattered into the glistening pool below. It was a wet Sunday to be sure.

  Ace turned from his place by the window to look at Jennifer sprawled across the sofa, worn novel in hand with her bare feet dangling off the edge. She had such small feet, her toenails painted a dark burgundy.

  He thought back to yesterday afternoon. His brothers seemed to thoroughly enjoy her company once they got used to her presence. Even Van seemed to have worn to her by the end of the night and threw a couple of jokes her way. The ride back was perfect, he could remember the feel of her clinging to him from behind. Her petite frame pressed up against his hardy leather jacket. He wished they could have kept riding forever, caught in that moment on complete contentment. Ace couldn’t recall when he had ever felt this at peace with just being alive. Maybe there was something more on the other side of darkness.

  A trilling ringtone broke the comfortable silence in the living room and Jennifer lazily reached over to swipe her mobile off the coffee table. She examined the screen quizzically before answering the call. Suddenly, her face went pale and he knew that it was him calling her. M. He rushed to her side and signaled for her to put it onto loudspeaker.

  “…and if you think I won’t leak those photos to the press then you have another thing coming. I want him dead. How dare he lay hands on you! You realize I know where you live. I could come in anytime and kill him for you. You know he doesn’t deserve you. He’s just hired help, for fucks sake. Have some respect. As my future wife, I won’t have you lowering your standards like this. I told you to get rid of him and he’s still living with you. You have 24 hours to get him off your property or I’m coming in. Mark my words Jenny.”

  The line went dead. M had been using a voice distorter and Ace didn’t recognize it. He looked over at Jen who was trembling like a leaf. He quickly wrapped an arm around her and plied the phone from her clammy hands. He placed the mobile on the table and went back to hugging her, containing her from the threat of this lunatic.

  After what seemed like an eternity she managed to utter, “We need to leave here.”

  Ace couldn’t agree more, “I’ll get things sorted. We have a cabin we bought up in the woods for hunting holidays. We’ll go there. I’ll call everyone now and get it arranged. Don’t worry Jen, I’m going to find this fucker and smash his front teeth in. Hopefully, then he’ll get the message. But right now, my top priority is keeping you safe. He’s not going to lay a finger on either of us.”

  Jen let silent tears fall down her beautiful cheeks. Ace used the edge of his t-shirt to dab them away as she continued to cling to him like a lifeline. Enough is enough. He’s made her cry too many times and now I’ve got to stop him once and for all.

  “Right, go upstairs and start packing. Don’t pack anything too hefty, if this asshole is watching the house we can’t have him realizing our plan. I’ve got a couple of calls to make and then we’ll meet back here in an hour or so. S
ound good?”

  She nodded and left without a word. The warmth from her body lingered for a second before dissipating like his mood. Her whole demeanor seemed deflated and it had good reason to be. As soon as she was out of earshot he whipped out his phone and started dialing. First, he had to check the cabin was free. He called Red.

  “Hey, little bro! What’s up? Everything good?” Red’s voice was a happy contrast to Ace’s mood.

  “Not really. I need to get Jennifer off-grid for a bit and was hoping the cabin is free. You and Van haven’t got anything planned have you?”

  “What’s happening? Anything we need to get involved in? And yeah, the cabin is free. I’ll let Van know not to book anything in for the time being. How long do you think you’ll be up there?”

  “No, it’s all good, Red. It’s just things have taken a bit of a nasty turn and this fucker is threatening to come to the house. Until I find out who he is I’d rather not risk anything. The keys still under the grill hood?”

  “Yeah, they’re still there. Listen, if it gets any worse just let us know and we’ll be there within a couple of hours. Remember – don’t take any risks you don’t have to. If this bastard tries anything we’ll take him out.”

  “Thanks, bro. I’ll be sure to let you know if we need your help later on. Talk soon.”

  Ace hung up. Okay, at least the cabin was free. The main bit was done. Now he had the dreaded phone call with updating the twins on the situation. Pearl’s fascination would at least keep him out of hot water for a little bit.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” she purred down the phone.

  “I’ve got to take Jen off-grid for a bit,” Ace was straight to the point.