The Bailey Brothers Box Set- the Complete Trilogy Read online

Page 6

  “What a dick. He says you keep going back to him though?”

  Jen gave a sarcastic laugh before answering. “He might see it that way. We’ve had a couple of nights together after the breakup, but it was purely sexual. It was a mutual no-nonsense deal. A mistake. At least I thought it was. There’s nothing between us, and I ended it a couple of months ago. We have nothing to do with each other anymore, just colleagues when we end up on a movie together. Why was he telling you all this? Did he think there was something between us?”

  “He saw the photos from the charity gala in the newspaper, and I guess he put two and two together. I didn’t confirm his ideas though. I think he just enjoyed winding me up.”

  “Please, Ace, ignore him. He’s just got a turn of the green monster. I guess he thought I was bluffing about ending our no-strings relationship. He never liked me with other guys anyway.”

  “He thinks he can control your life like that? He’s a royal asshole! I wish I had done more than rough him up. Bastard needs a thorough face smashing.”

  Jen laughed and soon Ace was joining in. At least they shared somewhat of a mutual disgust towards the annoying little fuckboy. They shared a moment of happiness before reality broke around them with a persistent rapping at the door.

  “Come in,” Jen called.

  Seth came slithering around the door. He glanced at Ace nervously before scurrying up to Jen.

  “Hey, you seemed to rush out of line rehearsal so fast, I hope you’re okay,” he muttered, too shy for eye contact.

  “Yeah, I’m fine, Seth. You know me – drama just follows me everywhere. I’ll see you on set.”

  Seth, satisfied with the answer, hurried out the room. But they were only alone for a few seconds before streams of people started crowding in, jostling to get Jennifer’s attention and start getting her ready for the day. Ace decided to give them some space so managed to slip out and stand guard by the door while she got into character. Once again he spent his time examining faces, wondering if this could be the person helping the creepy fucker currently stalking Jen. At this point, everybody was used to Ace’s presence and barely noticed the bulky man standing at the side. At least he didn’t have to fake niceties to all these strangers.

  After an hour or so, the crowd of people bustled out, Jennifer following in their wake. She was back to having fake blood smeared around her face and body. Her costume consisted of a tight tank top teamed with a pair of loose cargo pants which swamped her shapely legs. The fake gun she had strapped to her hips made him smile. She looked like a badass.

  “What you grinning about?” she teased.

  “You look like you’re tougher than me in that getup. You sure you need me to look out for you?”

  Jen smiled and swatted at his shoulder before heading onto the set. Ace hung back and watched from the side while the director snapped orders at everyone. Before long they were in a relentless fight with Lucifer. Ace watched as the petite actress leaped from heights and shot at the devil with no bullets. He was surprised to learn that Jennifer did all her own stunts. It was unusual for actors to take that risk in their own hands, but it appeared that Jennifer pulled them off flawlessly, taking advise from the stunt directors for her own safety. With only short breaks in between, Jen ended the day sweaty and tired. She had to have the fake blood reapplied multiple times from where it slid off due to perspiration. She greeted Ace with an exhausted smile before dragging her feet towards the dressing room. Ace jumped in front of her before she reached the room to check there were no hidden surprises. All clear.

  After a quick nod, Jen walked inside to wash off the grime from the studios. Ace was once again made to wait outside like a faithful dog. Maybe that’s all you are to her. Just a protective tool which, while employed, can be used however she feels like. I mean look at her. James is right, you’re not on her level and never will be.

  For some reason the pain from this realization was different to how he had felt before. He was used to abandoning the women in his life as soon as they got too close. Then it occurred to him – he was scared of losing Jennifer Jacobs.

  Chapter 8


  Saturday morning was glorious. Sun twinkled off the ripples in the pool as Jennifer dove into the sparkling water. She stayed at the bottom a while, basking in the dull silence around her. When she burst out the surface, water tinkled everywhere and her hair lay stuck to the back of her neck. She looked to see Ace watching her from the side.

  “Join me!” she called, reveling in the coolness of the water.

  “I didn’t bring any swimming trunks. I didn’t realize we would be participating in water sports.”

  “So? Just go in your boxers! You can’t be shy in front of me, after all, I’ve already seen it all!” Jennifer giggled mischievously.

  Ace sat still for a moment before shrugging and whipping off his shirt and pants. Sober Jen finally got to examine his perfectly formed body in direct sunlight, and damn it looked good! Tattoos weaved around his muscles, telling a story that only he knew. She wanted to touch them all and learn the reason behind each but she knew he wouldn’t open up to her. He was so mysterious and she didn’t know why. Maybe it was just part of the job?

  Jen was so deep in thought she didn’t notice him leap from the edge and cannonball into the pool right next to her. Water splashed into her face and she choked on the spray. They both started laughing when he rose up, breaking the unsettled surface.

  “You asshole! You could have warned me!” she splashed his face.

  “Where would be the fun in that?” he gave a half-smile before ducking under the water.

  “What are you…” she didn’t have time to finish her sentence when he picked her up at the waist and flung her over his shoulder squealing.

  She playfully smacked at his shoulder before he launched her through the air. She splashed into the water at the end of the pool, giggling like mad. Some fun at last! Settling for revenge, she dove under and kicked off the wall, projecting herself at his feet. However, he appeared to have predicted her move, swiftly turned to the side and grabbed her legs when she overshot. Dangling her upside down he pulled her from the water, only to dunk her back in unceremoniously. Before he managed to dunk her again she managed to flip around and clasp onto his forearms, pulling herself up. She kicked out behind her and got him right in the chest. He gasped in surprise and swished away. Laughing she leaped out at him and grappled him around his neck, now clinging to him like a baby sloth. Their faces were just inches apart.

  The taste of chlorine swirled around their mouths as she pulled him in. Their mouths melted into one another and his hands gripped into her ass while she hooked her legs around him. She could feel him grow and poke at her inner thigh with his erection. Teasingly, she pushed away only to be greeted with pain in his eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” she reached out to touch his chest.

  He grabbed her hand before she could touch him, stroking it for a moment before letting it slip away.

  “We can’t do this, Jen. It’s wrong.”

  Defiance flared up in her, “What’s wrong with it? We’re just having a bit of fun to pass the time.”

  He looked stung for a moment before anger flared in his eyes, “A bit of fun? Regardless, we can’t have that creep get any more photos of us in compromising positions. It’s not worth your career or mine.”

  “What fucking career? You just hang out with the mob and rough people up!” she sneered at him but he had already turned his back on her.

  Jennifer watched as he climbed out of the pool, streams of water tracing down the body that was pressed to hers a few minutes ago. He collected his clothing and went inside. Damp footprints the only trace left of him nearby. Sighing, she pulled herself up the ledge and lay at the side of the pool. Soaking in some rays of the sun and absorbing the heat before she decided to grab the towel on the lounger and dry off. Her mind was racing with thoughts. Had she hurt him? Was she being stupid? After all, he was
right. If the bastard had managed to get photos of them before, she didn’t need him to get more blackmail lined up.

  She wrapped the towel around her body and walked upstairs to get changed into her gym clothes. She had a session with her private trainer today for a couple of hours. Ace would have to be there too. He could wait outside, she didn’t want to be close to him right now unless it was absolutely necessary.

  Picking out a pair of mint green yoga pants and sports bra, she got dressed. A pair of her sneakers and a comfortable hoodie completed the look and she was ready to go. Ace still hadn’t emerged from the room so she knocked at his door before entering.

  “Everything okay?”

  He sat on the edge of his bed, typing on his phone. He finished off whatever he was doing before looking up and replying.

  “Yeah, I’ve just been messaging my brothers. We keep each other updated on jobs.”

  “Updated on everything? Have you told them about us?”

  “No, I didn’t think that was a vital piece of information. They just need to know where I am and generally what is going on so they know I am safe. We look out for each other. We’re the only family we have. Where are we going today?”

  “I’ve got an appointment with my personal trainer in half an hour so we need to get going. You ready to go?”

  Ace nodded and they left to get in the car. She decided to remedy the stunted conversation between them by playing the radio in the background. Occasionally she would sing along to her favorite tunes before she pulled up in the parking lot next to the gym. A somewhat desperate attempt to get her mind off the actual situation. The gym was a massive overbearing gray building. The glass was frosted to maintain the privacy of the high profile clientele which attended the site.

  As permitted, she used the back entrance, Ace trailing behind. She went to the designated room where she had her usual session. Bizarrely, the door was unlocked, as she typically had to wait for Lucy to open it for her session. She walked inside and tensed. She didn’t even need to call out for Ace before he was by her side and staring at the mirrored wall. Scrawled across it in lipstick was the sentence:


  It was then Lucy walked in.

  “What the hell? How did you get in here? What’s that on the mirror?” the poor girl looked bewildered.

  “I think one of my fans may have been able to get in, Lucy. Sorry for the mess. I can clean it up myself,” Jen offered, feeling ashamed that this innocent place had become another target for the creep’s messages.

  “Oh damn. They shouldn’t have been able to get in! This is a private area. Don’t worry, I’ll get the cleaners to get this sorted out. Shall we use another room for our session today? Just wait here and I’ll get the keys from reception.”

  Jennifer watched as the blonde walked from the room, leaving Ace and her behind. They both glanced at the wall before he spoke.

  “Other than that back door and the main entrance, is there any other way to get into the gym?” his eyes were darkened and the mouth just a tight line of fury.

  “I don’t think so. Maybe they might have been able to climb into a window but I’m sure someone would have caught them in the act. Even so, there are no windows in this room so they still must have had a key to get in. That lock isn’t broken.”

  “And the keys are kept at the reception?”

  “I think so. So, whoever got the key either had to sneak into the reception and steal it or they are members of the gym and had permission to use this room,” she pieced together.

  “Right. While you do your session with Lucy, I’m going to ask some questions at the reception. Just make sure you lock the door from the inside when you’re in there so I know you’re safe. Tell Lucy you’re worried the fan might still be in the building or something.”

  Once Lucy returned they followed her to another room a couple of doors down. Ace double checked the room before allowing them to enter. Inside, Jennifer locked the door and turned to be greeted by a quizzical expression plastered across Lucy’s face.

  Lucy had been her personal trainer for four years now. They had spent countless hours working out together and talked about random things to pass the time. She was a short blonde woman, obviously very fit and prided herself in her work. At this point, Jennifer considered her a close friend but contemplated whether she should talk to her about the situation she was in. Would it put her in danger too? What if she went to the police? With the stuff Ace was involved in she knew it wouldn’t be a wise idea.

  “What’s going on, girl? You seemed to have not only gained a crazed fan but a buff bodyguard too. Anything I need to worry about?”

  “Nah, it’s just the typical obsessed fan who wants to get close to me. Nothing too serious. I wonder how he got in here though.”

  “Me too. This area is closed off for private members and they would have to come in by reception if they don’t have the code for the back door. And only a very select few get in the back way to conceal their identity from any unwanted paparazzi lingering around. Well, you know all about that, I guess,” she gave her a lopsided grin.

  “True. So maybe my avid fan might be a member of the gym? Do you know who had access to that room before?”

  “We’re so busy around here and constantly got private sessions running. You know what it’s like in this town. If you aren’t beautiful, you aren’t anything. Talking of beautiful… who’s the new bodyguard? I wouldn’t mind a piece of him! He looks dangerously delicious.”

  Jealousy churned in her stomach. Why am I jealous? He’s not mine to be jealous about.

  “His name is Ace. With this intense attention I’ve been getting lately I was advised to take on some additional security. It just so happens to be one rather handsome individual.”

  “You don’t need to tell me twice. So… anything happened between you guys?” Lucy smirked cheekily.

  “Me? I would never!” Jen feigned innocence.

  “Oh, you’re such a bad liar. Anyway, enough chit-chat. We’re already a half hour late into the session and I’ve been given explicit instruction to get you toned for the final shot. Ready to work up a sweat?”

  “You know it!”

  After showering, Jennifer still felt sore and her muscles ached from the intense workout Lucy had put her through. Ace was waiting outside when she left but refused to answer any of her questions regarding what he had found out at the reception. Supposedly it was no longer her business to investigate her stalker and she should just get on with her everyday life. She had found it a bit harsh, but knew it came from a place of care and duty so dropped the subject.

  Now she was clean and had the rest of the afternoon to spend as she wished. It was one of those rare weekends where Makayla hadn’t scheduled her in for various dinners and events that was an “absolute necessity”. She felt a bit lost, scrawled on the couch thumbing through a well-worn novel.

  Ace strode into the room, catching her attention, “You want to go out?”

  Surprise took hold of Jennifer as she pushed herself up straight, “Where? With you?”

  “Of course with me, you know you can’t go anywhere without me right now. And I was wondering if you want to go to the lake for the afternoon. My brother, Van, just got back from his last job and I was hoping to get some time with both of them before one of them is called out again. They’d love to meet you, I’m sure.”

  Jennifer was taken aback. One moment he didn’t even want to tell her about his family and the next he plans to take her to see his brothers. That seemed like a big step for someone so closed. Maybe be does like me after all. Maybe I’m more than just an easy fuck to check off on his chart.

  “Sure, that sounds great. When do you want to go?”

  “Now, if that’s okay? We can get to the lake within an hour and relax for a while. But might I suggest you put on some jeans and something protective over your upper half? I have a spare helmet but still better safe than sorry.”

  Jennifer blinke
d hard, “We’re taking your bike?”

  Ace grinned, “Why? You scared?”

  “Ha! Have you seen any of my movies? I spend half my time on a bike! Let’s go, tiger.”

  With that, she jumped up from the couch and raced upstairs to get ready. She dug through her shelves and found a cute pair of tight black jeans. Paired with a tight black t-shirt and a sturdy leather jacket she was ready to go. To complete the look she pulled on a pair of thigh-high suede boots. She looked at herself in the mirror before she went back downstairs.

  Taking two steps at a time, she leaped downstairs to be greeted by him in the lobby. His mouth curved into a smile as he took in the sight of his latest biker gal. The look on his face was enough to know she had hit the mark with her outfit and they were ready to go. He had two helmets waiting on the table and he picked them up, offering her a smaller ruby red one. It gleamed in the light and she felt powerful holding it in her petite hands.

  “Let’s go, my little tigress,” he returned the sentiment from earlier.

  They walked out to the bike, that was still waiting next to the sidewalk where he had left it. The look of pride on his face was a wonder for Jen to appreciate. He pulled on his helmet then carefully helped her strap hers on once she had got it over her head. Waiting for him to get on, she admired the bike in all its glory. It was a Harley-Davidson Street 750, all black and beautifully crafted. One had been used in a previous movie she had shot and she always loved the look of cruisers. Once he had his shitkickers firmly placed, she clambered onto the back and he started the engine. The bike purred beneath them as he rode off. From her perch at the back, she automatically leaned forward and wrapped her arms around him for security. He adjusted his shoulders and they continued their journey.