The Bailey Brothers Box Set- the Complete Trilogy Page 9
“Do we really have to go back?”
“It looks like your stalker has stepped back. I think we should wait out here for a couple of days, but if the immediate danger has passed, then I can’t rightfully keep you away from filming anymore. Both David and the mafia will go mental if I drag our little vacation out. It’s been alright though, hasn’t it? I wish I never had to leave.”
“I feel the same. I wouldn’t mind staying here with you forever.”
Ace looked thoughtfully at her. His eyes seemed to analyze every feature on her face, as though determining whether she truly meant it. Remember what Red said – he’s not used to be close to someone. Suddenly, he raised out of his chair and leaned down on his haunches in front of her. She leaned forward so their faces were just inches apart. The smell of smoke from the grill emanated from his clothing and his warm breath tickled her neck.
Once again their mouths automatically found one another. But this was different – like the post-coital kiss from when they’d had sex in the cabin. It was gentle and needy, merging into one another’s like a lover’s dance. He held her chin with his thumb and deepened the kiss. She sighed happily against it, her whole being seeming to drift away. The world disappeared around them and it was only Ace and her living in the moment. Nothing else mattered.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” a high-pitched squeal tore through their bubble and sent them crashing back into reality.
Ace leaped away from her as though she had burned him and stared at the figure standing on the decking at the corner of the cabin. Next to it was another figure and they walked forward together. The light from the candles and the dying sunset allowed her to finally see, who had broken into her privacy.
“Pearl, Joe, I thought you were going to call before you came by,” Ace looked surprised.
Joe was clearly Hispanic, reflected by his warm complexion and jet black hair. His hairline was receding but remained thick and healthy. He had hooded brown eyes, piercing as they stared into her. His mouth was set in a thin line with a styled mustache outlining it. He wore a smart black blazer paired with a dark purple shirt. The man didn’t say a word as he stepped forward, as though Ace was invisible.
Pearl’s skin was paler than her brothers. She was curvy and her creamy breasts practically poured out of the unbuttoned red shirt, she had chosen to wear. Complimenting her shirt, she had bright red lipstick smeared over her unnaturally plump lips. Her pin-straight hair flowed over her shoulders and the heavy eyeliner that highlighted her eyes perfectly. These must be the twins.
Jen stood up warily and moved behind Ace. He looked tense in front of these two criminals.
“What did I tell you about getting close to her? I strictly forbid you! Now I waltz in on you two playing tonsil tennis. I should have Joe cut you off here and now,” Pearl’s voice was laced with fury.
Joe laid a hand on his sister’s arm in an attempt to calm her, “Now, now, Pearl. Let’s not be too hasty with our choices. Just because he’s enjoying our Miss Jacob’s attention doesn’t mean he isn’t doing his job. You are doing your job, aren’t you, Ace?”
“Yes, the stalker hasn’t made contact since we moved out here. I will be taking her back to her house in a couple of days and she can resume filming Demon Hunters.”
“That doesn’t explain why he has to have his tongue down her throat to do the job. This is unprofessional and reflects badly on the mafia. Maybe we should get Jimmy to take this case instead. I’m sure he’d be able to look after Miss Jacobs,” Pearl smirked.
She remembered the name Jimmy from Van’s last mission. From the sounds of it, she wanted nothing to do with the guy. Nervously she spoke up.
“Please, it was my fault, not Ace’s. I would prefer if you didn’t replace him with anyone else. I am used to Ace’s presence and I know he is fully capable of protecting me.”
“Ah, the little slut speaks!”
Pearl’s words bit at Jennifer and she drew back. What was her problem? It wasn’t like Ace was harming me or compromising his job. Then she noticed the hurt deep-set into her chocolate eyes. She’s not angry with Ace, she’s jealous. She likes Ace. While Jennifer was processing, Ace stepped forward, leaning in close to Pearl.
“What the fuck is your problem? How dare you talk to her like that?”
Joe placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back a few steps, “Think about what you’re doing, boy. You shouldn’t start things you don’t want to finish. You of all people should know enough about my sister’s temperament.”
Pearl jabbed a sharply manicured finger out, “Listen here, fuck face. You keep your hands to yourself or we’ll take you off the job. I wouldn’t mind seeing what Jimmy would put her through come to think of it. How well do you handle pain?” She looked over to Jennifer.
“You keep that fucking pervert away from her. I’m doing the job, I don’t need you checking up on me either,” Ace bit back.
Joe and Jennifer watched from the sides as they glared at one another, the vexation palpable on the air. Pearl then turned her attention back to Jennifer and shot daggers at her through her eyes.
“Keep your grubby little hands off him, you whore. Just because you’re rich and famous you think you can have anyone. Ha! You’re not even good-looking. He’s just desperate for a good fucking and you’re convenient. That’s all you are – convenient. I know his track record with girls. Doesn’t ever last more than a month at most. He gets bored easily. He needs a proper woman to look out for him, and you’re not, so step back, bitch,” she moved forward threateningly.
Jennifer held her ground. Pearl’s words had stung a little, but she wasn’t going to let this bitch talk down to her and Ace, when they hadn’t done anything wrong. Irritation pawed at her throat until she could contain it no longer.
“Listen here, you festering windbag. I haven’t got the energy to stand here and listen to you disrespect your employees. Ace has been looking after me and trying to find the fucker who’s causing all the trouble. If anything he’s a credit to your establishment. Besides, you have no right to tell me what to do, or who I do it with. Who the fuck do you think you are? How about you step back, bitch!”
Ace looked at her in a mix of horror and pride. She felt power surge through her veins, but was only on a momentary high before she felt a blistering pain on her cheek. Her head twisted at the force of the slap and stumbled across the decking. Fire flared up her skin and she could feel herself redden. Looking to the side, she saw Pearl smirking and she snapped. Jennifer leaped at the woman, clawing at her face. She pushed an onslaught of hits to whatever body part she could get close to, drawing blood from Pearl’s lips. Pearl gave as good back though and soon they were both bloody and bruised. All the while the men grabbed at their respective woman and tried to break them apart. She was surprised that even Ace’s strength was no match for a woman scorned. Soon enough they were pried apart and dragged a safe distance away from one another. Jen snarled at Pearl.
“Enough, Jesus stop!” Ace forced her down onto a chair.
Pearl wasn’t so tame and yanked herself from her brother’s clutches. She reached behind her back and pulled out a Beretta, pointing in Jennifer’s direction. Jen froze in her feet, ice tingling down her spine. Within the blink of an eye, Ace was standing in front of her, blocking any possible bullets. He’s risking his life for me? Pearl screeched in frustration and tucked the gun back in its holster. Or maybe he just knows she’d never shoot him. She could see pure hatred flare in his eyes.
“I think that’s enough for one night, get in the car,” Joe ordered his sister.
It appeared she was frustrated enough with the night and obeyed her brother. She stomped back across the decking and towards the vehicle. Joe didn’t look too pleased himself, but readjusted his shirt from the catfight and pinned Ace down with his eyes.
“No more silly games tonight. We all know my sister gets protective over you. Regardless, I think its best we leave. I expect Miss Jacobs back at
work within two days’ time. I’m not paying you to fuck the woman, I’m paying you to figure out what’s going on, stop it and get my movie back on track. If I hear of any more funny business it won’t be Pearl you have to deal with next time.”
And with that, he turned on his heel and left. His footsteps echoed on the decking. They waited before they heard the car’s engine start and the crunch of twigs under their tires as it pulled away. Jennifer let out a huge breath of air, as though she had been holding her breath the entire time. Ace hooked a finger under her chin and angled at her face in the light so he could look at her.
“Well, you certainly came out the fight with a couple of battle wounds. You’re lucky you’re still alive. No one has ever gone up against Pearl Romano like that before and lived to tell the tale. I can’t wait to let my brothers know. I don’t know whether they’ll be impressed or think you’re the world’s biggest idiot,” he paused for a second then continued, “Actually, I’m still not sure how I feel about that whole escapade. I could have lost my job or, worse yet, we could have both lost our lives. You were in luck as Joe seemed to be in a forgiving mood today and handled his sister. Please don’t put yourself in danger like that again. I won’t be around to protect you forever, you little psycho.”
Jen wiped away a trickle of blood which tickled her temple, “I’m sorry, Ace. I wasn’t thinking. I know it was stupid of me, but it just made me so mad the way she was talking. And what? We can’t sleep together? She can’t tell me what to do. Although… it did get me thinking – is it true what she said? You’ve never been with a girl for longer than a month?”
Ace sighed and pulled up a chair to sit down before speaking, “Yes, it’s true. They can’t cope with my job. I never have enough time for them, disappear for days at a time on jobs and end up all mangled, by the time I get home. They soon realize that I’m not the bad boy they originally wanted. I don’t want to be perceived as this evil entity. I just want a normal life.”
“I understand. You were never a bad boy in my head, always just a rather muscular, extremely handsome but surprisingly gentle man. I think your moral compass is perfectly tuned. That’s why I feel so comfortable and safe around you. However… am I a ‘real’ lady like that bitch said you needed?”
Ace grinned, “You’re more than a real lady - you’re fucking insane!”
Jennifer laughed and punched him on the shoulder. Ace feigned hurt and pretended to fall from his chair. After, he fetched some materials from the cabin and cleaned up her cuts and wounds. She was surprised how gentle he was with her, taking care not to hurt her any further. After that, the night blurred by in a flurry of laughter and smiles, highlighted by the brightly burning candles.
Chapter 11
Ace hadn’t laughed that hard in years and he woke the next morning with a sore throat. Walking into his private bathroom he stared at himself in the mirror. Lately his reflection seemed to be smiling back. He was happy in himself. Or maybe I’m just happy with someone else.
Splashing water on his face, he brushed his teeth and combed his unruly hair backward, slicking it back with gel. He went back into his room and rummaged in his bag to find suitable clothing for the day ahead. Black jeans paired with a black vest suited him perfectly. After dressing, he went downstairs to start making breakfast. For once, he was awake before Jennifer.
Cracking eggs into a frying pan, he listened to the fat sizzle and crisp the edges of the white. Bacon placed in another pan and he was ready to start with the toast. He slipped some white slices into the toaster and grabbed the butter from the refrigerator along with an avocado, that Jennifer had insisted on buying at the convenience store. What was this fucking thing? It took him scrolling through several tutorials online to finally release the green flesh from within. Once everything was ready, he laid it out on the dining room table along with plates and silverware. Now it was his turn to kick his feet up with the paper and wait for her to come waltzing in.
It didn’t take long for him to sense her steps down the stairs. She emerged looking absolutely delightful in an oversized shirt, skimming her buttocks from which he could get the occasional glimpse of white panties as she sashayed over. She also wore knee-high socks which looked cute paired with her messy bed hair. Stands stuck out at odd angles as she threw herself into a chair. Within a moment she had poured both of them two large glasses of orange juice and she was gulping at her own. Clearly, he wasn’t the only one suffering from last night’s laughing fest.
“Morning,” she panted after placing the glass down.
“Good morning, little tigress! Seems like you treated yourself to a lie in today. Somehow I managed not to burn the cabin down and made breakfast. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever cooked for a woman,” he seemed deep in thought.
“Oh, shut up you! It was about time you pulled your weight around here! Especially since there’s so much of it,” she teased.
They both attempted to laugh, then thought the better of it as their throats crackled. After taking sips from their drinks they tucked into breakfast. It appeared she had a bigger appetite than usual as she wolfed down toast dripping in bacon and a fried egg. When she noticed the neatly sliced avocado she grinned at him and then munched through that too. It was the first time he’d had a struggle to keep up with her at eating.
When all the plates were clear they sighed contentedly and tidied away. Ace went back to reading his paper hunched over on his chair.
“You know that’s yesterday’s newspaper, right? Haven’t you collected the new one yet?” she giggled.
Ace looked at the front and sure enough, it was yesterday’s newspaper. I must be losing track of time. I feel like I’m in a different world with this woman. And I don’t want it to stop.
“I still can’t believe that people actually deliver to such rural areas. Is that usual?”
“Nope. We just pay them enough. It’s important that we always stay on top of the news, especially with the line of work my brothers and I are in.”
Jen nodded then stood up, “Let me see if they’ve delivered today’s paper. Be right back!”
He watched as she darted off, enjoying the glimpses of her panties as she bounced away. Snap the fuck out of it! Remember what the twins said! I must be going mad to risk my life for this woman.
Suddenly a scream broke through the morning silence and Ace jumped to his feet. He hurried across the tile as he wrenched open the door and took two steps at a time to get to Jen. She was standing there, on the wet mud, staring at a furry lump on the ground. What the fuck?
Ace got closer and soon he could make out what the lump was. It was a rabbit. Completely gutted with its intestines spilling out onto the cold ground. Its fur was clumped together with clotted blood and half of its face had been caved in. Its eyes stared blankly out into the forest, frozen in a perpetual state of horror. Pinned to it was a periwinkle blue envelope.
Ace sat on the couch, flicking at the flap of the envelope impatiently, and thoughts raced through his head. He had had to send Jennifer upstairs to calm down. She was shaking and stuttering when she tried to protest, but he had forced her to go lie down.
Now it was just him and the envelope.
Finally, he broke the seal and pulled the paper from its casing. It was quality, not the usual copy paper that the notes were scrawled across. Does this mean anything? Only one way to find out… He opened up the letter and read:
Dearest Jenny,
You have disappointed me for the last time. I have lost my patience with you. I gave you every last chance to get rid of that man and you betrayed me and ran away to this primitive cabin to live like a filthy caveman. How could you choose him over our love?
I’m putting my foot down. I’ll be calling you later and if you dare go against my instructions then I’ll kill Mr. Bailey. You think I couldn’t find out about him, but I know everything! You whored yourself out to him and now he must die. The only person, who should taste your flesh and
lay their head next to yours, is me.
We are destined for each other and I don’t care who I have to eliminate to achieve it. See that cute little bunny? I laughed while slaughtering it in your name. You’ll be so happy for my efforts one day, just wait. You’re my future wife.
Expect my call.
M x
Ace felt himself heat up with rage. This fucker would dare touch him and force himself upon Jennifer? Once again this bastard had shoved his way into her life and struck her down with fear. I promised to protect her and now she’s back upstairs sobbing her heart out. It’s time for me to buckle down, find this fucking pervert and rip his throat out through his asshole.
The letter popped back into his mind and he scanned the relevant section – the idiot was going to call her. Ace would have another chance to listen in to the conversation and hear what was said. The shit stain was going to give her instructions to follow. He had both himself and Jennifer prepared.
Sprinting upstairs, he knocked at her door. Following a diminutive mewl, he entered to find her tear-stained face staring hopefully up at him from under the sheets. She sat up when she saw the agitated look on his face.
“I need you to do something, but it’s not going to be easy.”
“What is it?” she murmured.
“You need to answer the phone when he calls. I need you to hold the conversation as long as possible, so I can find out what he’s planning. Do you think you can do that?”
“He’s going to call me? I can’t talk to that freak,” she wailed and crushed her palms into her face.
Carefully, he withdrew them and forced her to look at him, “You need to do it or he could kill either one of us. Do you understand, Jennifer?”
The words seemed to shock her back into normalcy and she nodded, “Is that what the letter said? He’s going to kill us?”
“More specifically me. He’s obviously in love with you and he sees me as a threat. Especially after he caught us fucking at yours.”