Always Rock Hard Page 3
Their mouths met in a passionate kiss that stole his breath. His heart beat wildly and his pulse accelerated to the point it was painful. His insides clenched with desire and that same burning, throbbing ache was back in his groin.
“Sarah,” he groaned when he broke away. “I want to have you one last time. No, I need to have you.”
“Yes,” she panted. “God yes. You have no idea how long I’ve lived with my regrets.”
“Likely as long as I’ve lived with mine,” Sean groaned. He claimed her mouth again while his hands worked to divest her of her clothing.
He sucked her tongue into his mouth and teased it hungrily as his hands worked the button of her jeans. His fingers deftly undid the fly and pushed her jeans over her hips and down her legs. She stepped from them and kicked them aside almost frantically.
Sean buried his fingers in her lush hair. He broke the kiss and panted for breath. His other hand trailed over the graceful slope of her hips. He found her panties and when his fingers touched lace he groaned and looked down. Fucking hell, she’d worn the sexiest pair she likely had. The red lace was like a sucker punch to the gut. His cock pounded so hard it was utterly painful.
At that moment, Sarah chose to slam herself up against him and writhe those lace glad hips seductively right overtop his hard cock.
Sean gritted his teeth, gasping for control. His fingers dug into the tender skin at her hip. Sarah bucked those sweet hips again and he was lost. It took him all of five seconds to tear his clothing off.
She stared wide eyed at his massive erection like she’d never seen it before. Because he was riding a freight train that had about three seconds left in it before he likely came in his shorts, Sean tore her camisole away and ripped those sexy panties down her legs. He picked Sarah up and she frantically wrapped her legs around his waist.
He carried her over to that generic desk sofa table thing that they put in hotel rooms and placed her on top of it. Whatever papers and magazines had been on the top of the table crashed to the floor.
He hesitated, just one second. Just long enough for her to tell him to stop.
The only sound in the room was their ragged breathing.
Chapter 8
The wild gleam of hunger in Sean’s eyes was unlike anything Sarah had seen before. Her body turned to liquid heat at Sean’s touch. His passionate kisses were familiar from before but there was a new urgency, a new fire behind them.
He was in the best shape of his life. His body was rock hard, his muscles like granite under her hands. She flattened one palm against his hard chest. A flight of butterflies took off in her stomach and lower, her body ached in a way she hadn’t felt in years.
Sean’s kisses where blistering in intensity. He kissed her like he was a man dying of hunger and thirst and she was food and water to his soul.
He’d lifted her onto some kind of desk and as her ass came into contact with the solid surface the only thing she could think about was taking him inside of her that very second.
Sean’s hand swept up her legs, parting her thighs eagerly. He exposed her to him. She glanced up, into his face and the same raw hunger was in his eyes. She gulped. It gave her a heady sense of power to see him look at her like that.
“You’re so wet and so ready,” Sean whispered as he stroked his hand over her heated folds.
A thrilling shiver raced up her spine. “Sean,” she panted. “Just take me. Please!”
She gasped at his touch, sure she was getting even wetter as he caressed her swollen pussy. He slid his finger through her folds. She expected him to continue touching her and she was shocked when he brought his hand away and suckled his fingers. His eyes closed in delight as he tasted her.
“You are sweeter than the sweetest honey,” he said hoarsely.
Sarah’s body nearly rocketed into the next universe. Holy shit. He had never done or said anything like that before.
“Should I taste more of you?”
Sarah closed her eyes. Her body jolted to life in response to his whispered question. How the hell was he so in control? She could barely restrain herself. Just looking at his thick cock made her want to reach out, bring him to her and jam him greedily inside of her.
Her pussy ached in response to such dirty thoughts.
Sean didn’t wait for an answer. He bent down, spread her legs and brought his warm mouth right to her pussy.
Sarah gripped the edge of the table hard as shivers of pleasure washed over her. Sean suckled her eagerly, exploring her pussy with his tongue. He licked at her, savored her juices, toyed with her. He found her entrance and he skirted over it with his tongue, torturing her exquisitely and driving her nearly mad before he finally plunged his tongue inside of her.
She gasped and dug her fingers into the wood ledge until they were white. When his tongue left her entrance and found her clit, it was almost more than she could bear. Hot pinpricks of sensation exploded from every nerve ending she knew existed and then some she didn’t. Fireworks went off her head. She wasn’t even sure if she’d come or not but if she hadn’t, her body’s response to the caresses of his tongue and the gentle sucking of his mouth was astounding.
He continued to tease her and lick at her gently until Sarah finally gripped his hair and tried to bring his face closer.
“God… Sean,” she panted.
He looked up at her, face the picture of innocence, as though he didn’t know he was torturing her. “Yes?”
“I… I want you inside of me. Right. Now.”
Instead of looking at Sean’s face, her eyes went to his hard cock. It jumped in response to her words. He might be able to pretend that he wasn’t affected by being calm and collected but his body told her otherwise. He was just as desperate as she was.
“You’re going to have to wait.” Sean tried to keep his voice even but she could hear the tremor of desire. “I could taste you for hours.”
Sarah groaned. Because two could play at that game, she reached out and gripped his thick cock in her hand. A low, primal growl was torn from his throat as his hips jacked forward into her hand.
Encouraged, Sarah pumped her hand once down the huge shaft before moving up to the head. Droplets of moisture coated her hand and she easily slid over him from tip to base a few more times.
“Sarah… fuck that feels good.”
She moved her hand over his head, using her thumb to explore and caress the tip before moving downwards and applying pressure with her palm. His hips thrust into her hand. His eyes closed and his mouth parted at the erotic sensations she knew must be sweeping through him. She stroked him harder, faster, spreading his liquid arousal over and down his entire cock until it was dripping wet and shiny.
She couldn’t wait for him to be buried deep inside of her.
“I could do this all night,” Sarah said provocatively, hoping he would take the hint and her words would spur him on. She was done with pleading, asking him to take her. If he wanted to torture her first, she could torture him right back.
“Lord,” Sean cursed. His eyes popped open and a wicked gleam shone in them. “I think not. There is nothing I want more than to be inside of that beautiful, wet pussy, working you until you scream.”
Which would probably happen in about two and a half seconds. Sarah shuddered. Her pussy tingled and throbbed, hoping the release would be mercifully fast.
Sean palmed his cock as she spread her legs in invitation. He positioned his cock at her entrance before she stopped him.
“What about protection? I don’t have any of course.”
“A condom?”
“Yes, a condom.”
Unspoken between them was the accusation that now he was a rock star his reputation was dubious at best. She didn’t know how many women he’d slept with over the years. She’d seen enough of them at his show, throwing themselves in his direction, ready for anything…
“I don’t have one.”
“You don’t have one?” She repeated. Her voice came out like a growl. “What do you mean you don’t have one?”
“I can go get one from the lobby or something. They probably have a machine somewhere.”
“That would take fucking forever!” Her body screamed in frustration. She pushed Sean back away from her and slammed her legs closed.
Sean sighed. “Sarah… come on. I’m clean.”
She narrowed her eyes. Sean’s face shone with sincerity. He was telling her the truth. “That’s only half of it,” Sarah muttered.
“What then?” Sean crossed his arms over his chest.
“How many women have you been with? I wasn’t going to ask you Sean but god… it’s like I’m going to be with every single one of them too now.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“I’m not. That’s how I feel.”
Sean shocked her by stepping forward. His hands gripped her shoulders so hard she stared up at him in shock.
“I haven’t been with anyone since you left.”
“What?” Sarah’s mouth dropped open. “Come on Sean. That’s a fucking lie. You can just tell me the truth. If you find a condom, I’m still going to do this. I’m ashamed to admit just how much I need you.”
She tried to look away but his hand cupped her jaw and forced her face up. She saw the truth in those blue depths. He wasn’t lying to her. He truly hadn’t been with anyone else.
“Are you… you’re serious?” She stammered. “How is that possible?”
“It wasn’t hard. I was focused on my music when I moved to LA, not getting laid. We found a new manager and then the band and I focused on writing new songs and some fresh material. It was a lot of work, long hours in and out of the studio.”
“It’s been three years. There are hundreds of women every night who would sleep with you, no question asked.”
“But I only wanted one.”
Sarah shook her head. “No…”
He placed a silencing finger on her lips. “Yes. Only you Sarah. It’s always been you.”
She had no words and Sean and no use for them. He moved his finger and he claimed her lips in a kiss that was tender and scorching. Her blood ignited again and this time, when he guided his thick cock to her entrance, she didn’t pull away.
A delicious heat spiraled through her, coiling tightly in her stomach. Sean trembled against her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him to her. He slid inside of her so agonizingly slowly she thought she might actually die.
Sarah squirmed and writhed, hoping to take him in quickly but he went so very slowly, torturing her all over again. He gave her one thick inch and then another, filling her with his incredible thickness. She opened herself to him and took all of him as he buried himself to the hilt.
She waited, breath held, for him to start moving. When he finally did it felt like the floodgates had opened. Pleasure crashed over her, flooding her body with its sweet, heady sensations.
Her body felt feverish, like every single inch of her flesh was on fire. Liquid, molten heat washed over her as Sean pulled out then pressed back inside, almost as slowly as the first time.
A tiny, mewling sound was torn from her throat. It was the only sound she could make. Ecstasy washed over her with every hard thrust, with every retreat and hard thrust back inside. The friction that built between them was singularly the most incredible feeling in the world.
That tight coiling in her stomach grew worse, until she felt like she was going to snap. Her body turned into burning agony.
“I’m so close,” she managed to choke out before words were impossible altogether.
Her world narrowed completely. Every hard stroke, becoming quicker, hotter, more frenzied, brought her closer to the brink.
Sean couldn’t hold back any longer. His hips pistoned back and forth as he hammered into her so hard the table thing she was sitting on actually lifted off the floor and slammed back down again. She would have been pushed right to the back of it, against the wall, had she not grabbed on to the ledge for dear life.
His groans mixed with her little mewling cries of pleasure. Her mind went blank, her vision darkened to blackness and then an incredible lights display shot off behind her closed lids. The pleasure that washed over wasn’t like anything she’d ever experienced. The climax was sharp and breathtaking. Pleasure prickled through every nerve ending. Her blood screamed through her veins while her heart beat out of her chest.
Sean kept thrusting hard and every single movement sent a sharp wave of pleasure crashing over her. Waves of the delicious, mind and body numbing sensation rocked her. She writhed against Sean as he fucked her harder. His hips slammed into her again and again. Their flesh slapped together erotically, then finally his groan of pleasure came.
She almost panicked. She wasn’t on the pill but he sensed her sudden tenseness and pulled out. Hot jets sprayed over her stomach, some reaching her breasts and spraying over the nipples. Sean wrapped his arms around her shoulders and crushed her against his chest. He shook violently and she trembled against him as the aftershocks of her pleasure faded away.
Chapter 9
Sean gently wiped Sarah clean with one of the towels from the bathroom before he gathered her in his arms and helped her off the table.
What the hell was he supposed to do now?
He’d just had the best sex of his life. He’d admitted to her that he hadn’t been with anyone else since she left him. Where did that leave him now?
He hadn’t planned any of this. Sure, he’d hoped for it. He’d hoped, against all hope that he would find Sarah again and that she’d just be single and waiting, ready for the taking. Ready to just resume their relationship and get on with life.
Even though she appeared to be single, at least, god, he hoped so, he knew he couldn’t just expect to sweep in and expect her to take him back into her life. Everything really had changed for them. She’d probably moved on. It had been three years. They both had separate lives now.
Sarah walked to the bed. She pulled back the covers and climbed underneath. Sean hesitated, wondering if he should join her.
“Are you coming?” She finally asked. Her eyes sparkled.
He nodded. He forced himself to move forward. The second he was under the sheets, Sarah rolled against him, instinctively seeking the warm, protective circle of his arms.
“What are we going to do now?” She asked. “You’re probably in town for the night. You’re going to go back to LA and forget any of this happened.
Sean tensed. The way she was tucked against him, he couldn’t see her face but he could hear the hurt in her voice. He ran a hand over her long hair, smoothing it down.
“Trust me, I’m not.”
“Your life is in LA. Your band is there, your music, everything. You’re famous now and I’m… well I’m nothing.”
Sean nearly choked. “You’re not nothing! How could you say that?” When she didn’t answer, he shifted away and tilted her face upwards. “Look at me Sarah. You have to know that’s not true. It’s never been true and it could never be true.”
She blinked. “It’s just that… I walked out on you Sean. I didn’t believe in you.”
“That was probably the best thing you could have done for me. I’ve already told you that it was pretty much the catalyst that got my ass in gear. If I hadn’t gone to LA then none of this would have happened.”
“You would be lost without music.”
“No. It was always my dream. I would be lost without you.”
Her eyes suddenly sparkled. “You’ve been fine without me for years.”
“That is another untruth. I might have found fame with the band. I might have written a song people actually liked for a change. I might have money now and the ability to provide for myself. I might sell out shows and people might buy albums but the way I feel about you never changed. It’s never left me. You’ve always been there Sara
h, haunting me. You were the inspiration behind every single note I played and every lyric I wrote.”
“I know you have no reason to trust me and no reason to open up your heart to me again. I know I fucked everything up the first time. If I was you I wouldn’t have stuck around as long as you did.”
Sarah’s lips curled into a small, sad smile. Her eyes held regret. “We have different lives. I have a good job here that I like. I have my own apartment. I have my family here and my friends. I’m not going to uproot everything on the off chance that you might want me again. You’ll probably get bored right away. You’re going to see the world now. You’ll likely be far too busy to even know I’m there anyway.”
“We are finished touring for a couple months right now. We would only ever be gone for a month at a time. I know I was a jerk before. I know what I was like. I never gave you the time of day. I was moody. I pushed myself so hard to try and write songs. I tried so hard… the try is gone now Sarah. It just is. It’s like, when I stopped pushing so damn hard for things to happen and just got real, they actually did happen. I was able to write songs. Dan and Marty and Sam, we were all able to write songs. We really came together as a band once we were in the right atmosphere, surrounded by the right people.”
“I always said you needed to get the hell out of here.”
Sarah’s face was so uncertain that it broke his heart. He nodded. “You were right. We needed a fresh start. Maybe it’s what we need as well. I won’t promise it would be easy but if you ever want a change, I would help you find a job that you would love. You would make new friends but you certainly wouldn’t have to give up your old ones. With technology now you could see your family every day online.”
Sarah hesitated but there was a spark of excitement in her eyes that hadn’t been there before. “I don’t know. I mean, LA… that’s crazy. It’s a big change. This place is so small. I wouldn’t even know where to start. It’s not like we could just pick up where we left off.”