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The Bailey Brothers Box Set- the Complete Trilogy Page 12
The Bailey Brothers Box Set- the Complete Trilogy Read online
Page 12
Chapter 15
Ace fumbled with the mobile, checking it had power and was turned on, every five minutes. The signal bar was on full and the battery was fully charged, but it didn’t stop the nagging thought at the back of his mind. Jennifer’s life was on the line and he’d be damned if anything were to happen to her. After the fiftieth time checking the phone, Van pulled him to the side.
“What’s wrong? You know Lenny’s technology is flawless and you’ve had that phone on charge all day. You’re making me anxious just watching you.”
“It’s Jennifer, what if something happens to her. What if it’s another replay of mom or dad or Alice? I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if she got hurt, Van.”
“You need to snap out of it, Ace! You need to be level-headed for this plan to work. If you act like a anxious little bitch then Jennifer will be in danger because of it. Just remember, it’s just another job.”
“It’s not just a job! It’s Jennifer!” Ace’s anger burst forth like a swarm of angry bees.
Van stepped back, a concerned look plastered across his face. Ace attempted to calm himself, turning around momentarily to catch some deep breaths of the cooling evening air. He watched as a deer bounded through the bush. Running from your worries, I wish I could join you.
He turned back to his brother, “I’m sorry for exploding in your face, but this is not just another job. There is potentially a life on the line.”
“There’s always lives on the line in our type of work and you’ve never been wound up like this before. Hell, you haven’t even shown an ounce of proper emotion since Alice’s funeral. So, tell me brother, what makes Jennifer Jacobs so different?”
“Don’t be stupid, I don’t need to show emotions. I’m not a little bitch, like you said. As for Jen, what makes her different is she is a high-profile case. I screw this up then the twins will have my head.”
“Don’t lie to me. I know when you’re lying. I was the one who raised you, remember? Now, tell me the truth. What makes Jennifer Jacobs different from the rest?”
“What are you talking about?” Ace exclaimed, “There’s nothing different about her! She’s an innocent is this entire thing. She wasn’t even aware of the mafia before I was thrust upon her.”
“And in her…” Red had clearly been eavesdropping and couldn’t resist the opportunity.
Ace shoved him and Red stepped forward to give him it back when Van laid a hand on their chests, pushing them apart. They had had many fights when they were younger, being just four year apart, but this felt different to Ace. He wasn’t fighting over a trivial matter, he was protecting Jennifer’s reputation. He was raged with fury, but managed to push it back. Red’s face was distorted with confusion at his brother’s reaction.
“So, you’ve finally been hooked by a women then, huh?” Red leaned back against the railing to the stairs leading up to the porch, “Didn’t think I’d see the day. Not after Alice.”
“I think she suits you, Ace. She seems fiery enough to take on your moodiness and beat you into line. Plus the cash doesn’t hurt.”
“Shut up. Both of you. This isn’t about money and this isn’t about her beating me into line. I just feel like I can be myself around her and she accepts all my flaws. The short time I’ve been with her has been some of the happiest in my life, despite the entire situation. I don’t know. I guess I like her. But whatever! Right now we’ve got more important things to think about.”
“I think it’s a bit more than just liking her, little brother,” Red tried to steer the conversation back to their relationship status.
“I swear to God, you say one more thing…”
Suddenly, the phone pinged. Silence fell between the brothers. As soon as the message popped up on the screen, Ace hit enter on the coordinates and they jumped on their bikes.
Their engines roared beneath them, like angry lions heading to battles. The brothers were speeding, twisting around corners, practically scuffing their knees as they leaned low to the road. Ace was at the front, Van close behind with Red trailing. He always goes for look rather than performance – just like his women. Ace wanted to laugh at his quick-wit but the moment was too severe to even smile. His mind fixated on Jennifer and the danger she could be in. The man clearly has no issue with killing animals, what makes a human any different? It was almost a struggle for the small blip on the map to keep up with them as they raced towards their destination.
Trees whizzed past in a blur of green and brown. Air pushed against Ace’s upper body as he hunched down, trying to make himself more streamlined. The road slowly got wider as they left the forested area and turned into large open spaces, long grass flailing in the wind. Before they got to the destination, Ace parked up on the side of the road and his brothers right next to him. All to make sure that the engines wouldn’t alert M of their arrival. They needed to be as stealthy as possible not to make any mistakes. Jennifer’s safety was on the line.
The men quickly walked the rest of the way, tracking the arrows on the mobile screen. A church came into view and the phone announced they had reached their destination. All was silent as the brothers split ways to circle the building. They assessed the damage to the windows but realized the only way to get in and out quickly was through the front door. All three of them came together at the back of the church. Glass lay glittering in the grass but something else caught Ace’s eye. He leaned down and picked up the shiny object.
“What is that?” Van asked.
“Keys. Jen’s car keys,” Ace breathed. His heart was racing.
“We’d better find your woman, and quick!” Red spoke up.
They huddled together to go over tactics for their next plan of action.
“I will go in first,” Ace spoke, “I’ll try to enter without his attention, but if all else fails then at least I’m a distraction. Afterwards, both of you need to get into the building. Van, you hang back the longest, in case the fucker tries to escape. Red, do you reckon you can get in through one of the side windows or doors at the side of the building? They’re disconnected from the nave.”
“Can do, I saw a loose door on the right. Looks like I can shove it open enough to get in,” Red confirmed.
“Good. Once in, you go straight for Jennifer. If she doesn’t listen to me then I don’t care what you do. Just get her out of here and take her home. I expect you to stay with her until Van and I return. Don’t let her out of your sight, she’s a feisty one. Van, if you hear anything or the asshole doesn’t try make a break then come in and assess the situation before taking action. One way or another, this guy is never going to harass Jen again. Ready?”
Both brothers nodded and they separated. Red went off to the right side of the building while the other two headed back to the main door. The door was old and wooden, paint flaking off. Muffled voices could be heard within and Ace tried to take a peek in through the slight crack. He could make out a flickering light. The freak lit candles? What does he think this is? A romantic picnic in an abandoned church?
Easing the door open gently, Ace slid in. The edge of his jacket got caught on a splinter and he had to yank to release it, causing the door to creak loudly into the cavernous hall. The voices went silent.
“Who’s there?” a man’s voice called out, “Come out! I know someone’s there. Show yourself.”
Well, there goes my plan of being sneaky. Fuck it. Let’s get this over with.
Ace strode down the central aisle, heading towards the sanctuary. He tried to make out the figures in the dim light. One was sitting down and the other standing close next to it. As he got closer, the faint shine from the candles flickered over Jennifer’s face. She look petrified. Ace still couldn’t make out the other person though, as he continued forward.
“Stop that’s close enough,” the voice demanded, “Oh, if it isn’t Mr. Bailey come to join us after all? Didn’t I give specific instructions for you not to come here? I told my dear sweet Jenny what would h
appen if you came here. Did she forget to relay the message?”
“Shut the fuck up, you freak. What? Are you going to try and hurt me? Just try your luck,” Ace bellowed, his voice bouncing across the nave.
“I don’t need luck when I have this,” the figure waved his hand above his head, the obvious outline of a gun glinting back.
“Let’s see who has better aim, huh?” Ace pulled the Glock out from his waistband and pointed it in the shadow’s direction.
“I really hope you think about this first. I mean, poor Jenny could get caught in the crossfire,” the shadow walked closer to her, “Maybe we should have a chat first. Get things from my perspective. Have a seat, Mr. Bailey. The front pew should suit you nicely.”
“Get off me!” Jennifer yelped as the figure leaned into her.
Ace went to rush forward to help her when he noticed the shadow’s gun pressed into her temple. Maybe I just do what the guy says for now until I figure out a plan? I need to keep it cool. He looked over at Jennifer’s face as tears slowly leaked down her cheeks and on to her lap. Following instructions, Ace steadily walked up to the front pew and lowered himself onto the wooden bench. Now he could make out the rope tying Jennifer to the chair. That’s why she hasn’t moved.
“I’ve missed seeing you at the studio, Mr. Bailey. You have to understand it hurt me a lot to see how close you were with my Jenny,” he stroked her hair and instinctively she tried to yank her head back, “It did take me by surprise when you both went missing from her house. It’s lucky that I had already prepared her car. I like to make sure I know where she is at all times. I’ve got to keep you safe, darling!”
He gripped the bottom of Jennifer’s chin yanking her face upwards to look at him. Ace could see the burning hatred in her eyes. He wanted to kill the fucker for even breathing in her direction.
“Get off her! You can see she doesn’t like it.”
“She doesn’t know what she likes. I’ve already had this discussion with Jenny. She’s quite happy to stay with me from now on. It didn’t take much persuasion to have her taking my side,” the shadow waved the gun around again.
“Please, just let me go, Seth. I just want to go home,” Jennifer pleaded.
Seth? Where have I heard that name before? Think, Ace, think! Holy shit…
“Guess the cat’s out of the bag,” the scriptwriter stepped forward into the light.
Seth wore a long black trench coat down to his shins. The coat was open, revealing a slightly unbuttoned pale blue shirt tucked into tight black jeans. Ace could tell he had at last made an effort to wash his hair for this appearance. Now he no longer looked like that sleazy scared mouse from the studio. Now his whole demeanor had changed. He had a new found confidence with a gun in his hand.
“That’s how you always managed to sneak past me in the studio. I would never have thought…”
“That someone like me could match up to you?” Seth interrupted, “That I’m not good enough for Jennifer Jacobs, the most stunning A-lister in all of history? Well you thought wrong. Just because you look all big and bad with your muscles and tattoos doesn’t mean shit. She needs a man with brains and intellect to keep her stardom going. You’d just drag her down.”
“Shut up, Seth! You don’t know what I want or who I want. I certainly don’t want you!” Jennifer burst.
Suddenly Seth swung the gun backwards, clunking Jen on the head with the butt. She cried out in pain as Ace stood up to defend. Noticing the movement, Seth turned and pointed the gun back at her.
“Sit your ass down!”
For once in my life I feel defenseless. I can’t help her right now. Where are my brothers? I’m going to kill this fucker.
Ace obliged and threw himself back into the seat, scowling as he did so. The hand clenched around his gun. He would only have a split second to shoot the guy or it would be game over for Jen. A trickle of blood flowed down the side of her face, the liquid glinting in the candlelight. Ace wanted to go over and comfort her and she silently sobbed. My tigress has been declawed.
“Only one of us can have her and it’s going to be me. It was always me. You wouldn’t have even met her if it wasn’t for me. You’ve had your fun with her, but now it stops. Every time you touched her, every time you so much as looked at her I felt sick to my core. You don’t know her like I do! I’ve read every single article written about her, I’ve watched every single movie she’s starred in, I’ve examined every photo she’s been captured in, and, hell, I’ve watched every commercial she’s been glimpsed in. That’s why I had the envelopes made in her very own customized periwinkle blue. It took me years of studying and climbing my way up the ladder to finally write a movie she was in. Do you know I remember the first time I ever saw her? She was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt but looked every part the model. That’s when I knew all my hard work had paid off. I was in love. You’re not going to take that away from me now, Mr. Bailey!”
Ace had tried to stay concentrated on Seth’s speech, but had noticed movement at the side of the pews. Red! He watched as he crouched down and started heading towards the back of the alter, his gun drawn and ready to fire. Seth hadn’t noticed him yet as he rambled on. I have to keep him talking!
“So, tell me. Why M? What does M stand for?”
Seth laughed, “Are you really that slow? Although, I can’t say you’d ever recognize much. You’re the worst bodyguard I’ve ever had the misfortune of laying eyes upon. Why M? My last name is Michael, as in the archangel Michael, the protector and leader of the army of God against the forces of evil.”
“Just like in Demon Hunters.”
“Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Something finally clicked in that big head of yours. I based the entire movie around me. Jennifer and I will overcome all evil and then when she’s finally realized I am the love of her life we will ascend to heaven together. Our lives will be an eternity of beauty.”
Red was almost at the back of Jennifer now. He kept to the shadows and miraculously Seth still wasn’t aware of his presence. Ace bobbed his head slightly to catch Jennifer’s attention and then looked behind her. She slowly followed his line of sight and realized Red was at the back of the chair. At least she won’t scream when he touches her.
Still oblivious to a second Bailey’s presence, Seth rambled on, “Let’s face it, you would never have been able to have kept her interest for long. You’re all brawn and no brains. She needs something to challenge that mind of her, help her strive for greatness. Ours will be a love story for the ages! The actress and the scriptwriter, finally a union everyone can get behind. I can imagine the headlines now ‘Beauty and the Brains’!”
Finally, Red had managed to undo the ropes tying Jennifer down and she carefully slid them off her torso, cradling the strands in her lap. Right now all he has to do is grab her and jump off the alter with her. That will give me enough time to aim and shoot. I’ll get him in the legs and take him down. Not enough to kill him but at least neutralize the target. Everything was ready to go then…
Everyone twisted around to watch Van come hurtling through the door, body hunkered down to gain speed. While Seth was distracted, Red took the opportunity to fling Jennifer over his shoulder and race her towards the side door. The scriptwriter, noticing her departure, turned and took aim at the pair, but Ace jumped from the pew and grabbed at his legs. Seth toppled over, his head hitting the floor like a sack of potatoes. Dust flew up from where he landed and Ace was momentarily blinded, swiping at his eyes with the back of his sleeve. He first noticed Van standing next to him when the dust settled. He had his gun aimed at the alter where Seth should have been lying.
Where is he?
Within a couple of seconds, Seth had disappeared from where he had fallen. The brothers started to circle the platform in separate directions, searching for any signs of the man. Ace was just about to clamber up when he heard an ear-splitting bang followed by a blood-curdling screech the other side of the alter. Someo
ne’s been shot!
Ace raced around the side of the alter only to be greeted by a body bleeding out on the floor. Except it wasn’t Seth… It’s Van! He swiftly knelt down beside his brother and cradled his head in his hand. Van was gripping tightly at his side but blood still managed to seep between his fingers, dripping down onto the cold floor below. Ace was having flashbacks about his parents and Alice. Not again! Don’t take my brother away from me too!
Realizing Van was trying to mumble something, Ace leaned in.
“Behind you…”
Ace jumped up and turned around, but not in time to stop a boot flying through the air and smacking him straight in the face. He could feel his nose snap and there was blood all over his jacket. He fell backwards, landing hard against a pew, bruising his rib. Before Ace had a chance to think, a fist landed in his stomach and he bent over winded. Every breath burned as he tried to steady himself but then a knee crunched back into his sore and bloodied face. Ace was pushed back once more, this time smashing through the pew, sending splinters flying everywhere. As his double-vision slowly cleared he heard a click. Seth had the barrel of his gun aimed straight at Ace’s chest.
“Don’t you fucking move, you cheating scumbag! Couldn’t face me alone, could you? Of course a little bitch like you would have to bring backup. You think you’ve won? One of your buddies is dead and when I find the next one with Jennifer then he’ll soon be joining you both in hell. Oh, and by the way, your friend over there cried like a baby when he got shot. You’re all a bunch of pussies!”