The Bailey Brothers Box Set- the Complete Trilogy Read online

Page 10

  “He wants to hurt you? I won’t let him! I’ll kill the little fucker before he gets close to you!” her cheeks turned red.

  “Calm down, my tigress. You seem to forget that I’m your bodyguard, not the other way round. And you have already been in one too many fights this week as it is,” he turned her face to look at the scratches decorating her hairline.

  She pulled away, “I’m not just a defenseless rich girl, you know? I’m a fully-grown woman capable of looking after myself.”

  “You’re more than capable, but this guy is on another level. Every time he contacts you, you start shaking and your body doesn’t lie. You should be afraid of him. He’s mentally unstable. But I’m still wondering how he tracked us here. There was no one following us when I was driving over.”

  Jennifer thought for a moment then leaped from the bed, “Maybe he didn’t need to follow us! Maybe we led him right here, without him having to move a muscle.”

  Ace watched in astonishment as she dashed for the room and he quickly followed after. What was she on about? Had the stress finally made her lose her mind? Outside, she flung herself on the ground and pushed herself under the car. It was only when she came out displaying a small black box that he realized what she was talking about. There was a tracker on the car.

  Chapter 12


  Rain thrashed against the window and thunder smashed in the sky. Sparks of lightning lit the gray world around them momentarily as they huddled together on the couch, sipping warm cups of coffee. The bitterness from the beans bit into her taste buds as she kept herself focused on the warmth of his presence next to her. He may have maintained a tough exterior so far, but she knew he was rattled beneath that rough skin. The stalker had managed to track them to the middle of nowhere. Who knew how far he’d go to achieve what he wanted.

  Tendrils of steam from the brew wrapped around her nose as they waited for the phone call. Neither of them had spoken for a good half hour now, but the tension in the air was palpable. Even the weather matched their thunderous moods. She had seen a flicker of shock on Ace’s face before it was transformed into a vicious snarl. The man was out for blood. He had taken the tracker from her hands and crushed it beneath his boot on the decking outside. After that, she watched him text from the corner of the room while the shadows darkened outside in preparation for the upcoming storm.

  “Are you hungry?” Jennifer broke the silence.

  “No, not really. Are you?”

  “Not really…” their voices faded off into the howling wind battering the cabin outside.

  Ace had lit the fire at the side of the living area but the light struggled to warm the chilly atmosphere within the walls. The gloom was unbearable and Jennifer wanted to scratch away this suffocating presence in her life. The stalker who had forced her to go into the wilderness with a man she had barely known for a week. He cast a shadow over her every movement, her every breath, and her every thought. She just wished the whole ordeal could be over with. She was drained from being constantly worried. And now, not only did she have to fear for her own life but also Ace’s.

  She shuffled into him, her head leaning onto his shoulder. He grunted and stiffened for a moment before relaxing and permitting her to lie on him. She breathed in the scent of leather and coffee as they both continued their everlasting wait of the dreaded phone call. At one point the screen on her mobile flashed up and they both almost spilled coffee on another from jumping out their seats, only to realize it was an app notification and they settled back down. They were both on eggshells waiting.

  “I can’t bear this much longer,” Jennifer whispered, huddling in closer to his warmth.

  “Keep fighting, little tigress. It will all be over with soon.”

  “But are we going to be on the winning side?”

  Ace shifted her head off his shoulder and leaned back to look at her, “Do you honestly think I would ever let that man lay a finger on you?”

  Jennifer looked down, “You may be big and bad-looking but you’re not invincible. I don’t care that you’ve been contracted by the mafia. Bullets don’t care about your reputation.”

  He gently lifted her face with his index finger, “Jennifer Jacobs, if I have to die to keep you safe then that’s what I will do. I have never failed a job yet and I don’t intend to start with you. Especially with you.”

  She looked into his eyes, “Especially me? What do you mean by that?”

  As usual, Ace seemed to freeze in the moment of intimacy and he withdrew from her reach, “I mean that you’re a high-profile case and if I mess this up then the twins will definitely kill me, if your stalker doesn’t. They’ve trusted me with an A-lister celebrity and I will follow through on my mission. Now, if you excuse me, it appears we are running low on coffee.”

  She watched as he swiftly stood up and grab the coffee cups from the redwood table and wandered off to the kitchen area. Brewing in his own thoughts as much as the coffee itself. Why is he avoiding me? Does he feel the same way I do about him or is he really being honest about me only being a job? Red said he didn’t like opening up to people, but he can’t stay like that forever, people aren’t built for being alone. I need to get him to talk to me, even just a little so I can figure out where we stand before I go insane!

  Jennifer walked off to join him, running her hand over the granite worktops. He looked up once she hitched herself up onto the counter, her feet dangling from the floor playfully. She giggled and he raised his eyebrow.

  “What?” his voice was gruff but not angry.

  “Let’s play a game to pass the time.”

  “I don’t play games.”

  “But, I’m bored!” she whined teasingly.

  He attempted to stare her down, but Jen knew she was going to win with her puppy eyes. She saw his façade crumble as he gave in to her simple plea.

  “Fine. What game?”

  “Let’s play three questions!”

  “…do I even need to ask what three questions entails?”

  “I think it’s pretty self-explanatory but the rules are simple – we both get to ask three questions, each taking a turn. You must answer truthfully and you’re not allowed to repeat questions the other person has said. Does that make sense?”

  “I guess,” he shrugged, “but do we really have to? We’re not in third grade.”

  “Well, you sure act like it sometimes!” she leaped from the counter and gracefully landed on her feet. Grabbing her coffee she skipped over to the couch and plonked herself down, patting the cushion next to her as an invitation.

  Reluctantly, he shuffled over and sat next to her, the weight of his body shifting her closer. He almost looked frightened at the prospect of answering questions about himself, but she wasn’t going to back down at this perfect opportunity.

  “Do you want to go first or shall I?” she smiled innocently.

  He sighed, “You can start if you want. I don’t understand why we have to play this stupid game, but if it makes you happy then whatever.”

  “Hmm… what’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for a girl?”

  Ace wrinkled his nose, “Sweet? Do I look sweet to you?”

  Jennifer glared at him.

  “I once took a girl to meet my brothers, probably the closest I ever got to having a proper girlfriend.”

  “How did it work out?” she leaned in.

  “I’m pretty sure you said it’s my turn to ask a question,” he teased.

  “Oh, that’s mean. You can’t twist the rules on me like that,” she crossed her arms jokingly, looking annoyed, “Fine. What’s your question?”

  “Erm… what’s your favorite color?”

  Jennifer laughed, “Now who’s in third grade? What type of question is that?”

  Ace looked defensive, “At least I’m playing your stupid game. Just answer it.”

  “It used to be periwinkle blue… I guess my stalker found out from one of my interviews or something,” she looked sad mo
mentarily, then perked up, “But now it’s yellow, like the sun on a summer’s day. Yellow is just such a happy color and I only want happiness in my life from now on.”

  “I hate how the fucker even made you change your favorite color. But I agree, you deserve only happiness in your life.

  Jennifer smiled shyly, “Thanks. I knew you could be sweet after all.”

  “Ah, don’t go telling everybody!” he laughed.

  “Right, my question. What’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?”

  Ace’s eyes frosted over for a second before answering, “I let my best friend die because of me.”

  She stared at him, she could see a whirlwind of emotions blowing through his brain as he tried to continue his story. There was pain mixed with anger brewing in those icy blue eyes. She could feel him strain against the pressure of confining the outburst within him. It was obvious it was a struggle to talk about it, and although she didn’t want to pressure him, she wanted to hear the memories which were hurting him so badly.

  “It was about four years ago, around my twentieth birthday. I had been contracted by the twins to take out a couple of people seen lurking around their warehouse. The warehouse was packed with stolen goods and they reckon it was a rival gang. We never found out who the guys were, but in hindsight they were probably just a couple of kids who had been nosing around the wrong area...” he drifted off for a minute before pressing forward, “At any rate, I had completed the job and they will definitely think twice about where they hang out in the future. Not exactly my proudest moment. I got my paycheck and I set off for the bar to meet my brothers. But this night wasn’t over yet. I met up with my friend, on the way over there, and we got distracted, walking around the back streets and talking shit. I wasn’t paying attention and we ended up on another gang’s turf. The next thing I knew we were surrounded by about five other guys. We were lucky they didn’t carry guns, but she wasn’t so lucky they didn’t have knives…”

  “She?” Jennifer was surprised.

  “Yeah, Alice. Truth be told, I think we might have been a bit more than friends. We had only fooled around a couple of times but we were really close. We talked about stuff, you know? Anyway, I managed to get a couple of the guys on the ground, but when I looked back she was already down. One of the fucking bastards had stabbed her when she was trying to get to me. They disappeared once they had done their damage and made their point and left me with her broken body, bleeding out over the sidewalk. I tried to get her to a hospital on time, but she had bled out within minutes of picking her up. Every night I replay the same scene in my head and think what a selfish motherfucker I am for not saving her first. She died because of me. That’s my biggest mistake.”

  Jennifer thought she saw his eyes moisten, but he looked away and when he looked back he was stone cold emotionless again. So much for displaying his feelings! I’m still shocked he ever got that close to another woman. I don’t know why, but I feel jealous that he had that connection with Alice and not with me. At least he told me the story, Red must have kept it from me knowing it was so personal to him. Maybe he is opening up to me after all?

  “My question,” Ace interrupted her thoughts, “Did you always want to be an actress?”

  “Nope. I never really liked attention when I was little. I used to go off into the garden to read in little hidden corners. My parents would tell everyone that I was ridiculously shy for my age. For ages, I wanted to be a teacher. I was one of those weird kids who used to love school. It just so happened I discovered my love of acting through extra-curriculum classes and the next thing I know I hit my big break. Then it was all spotlights and madness. That’s where I am today!”

  “You, a little shy girl? Nah, can’t be possible,” he teased, poking her in the ribs.

  “Ah, fuck off you mean old bastard!” she swatted but he grabbed her hands mid-air.

  The air was tense with unspoken emotions between them and she leaned forward ever so slightly, hoping to entice him into kissing her. He seemed to be bewitched under her charm for a moment before shaking his head and releasing her hands.

  Picking up his coffee, he took a sip and grunted, “Your last question, little tigress.”

  Jennifer was still rather annoyed at having him pull away but asked, “What were your immediate thoughts about me when you first met me in person?”

  “I have got to say you took me by surprise.”

  “In what way?” she perked up.

  “Well, judging by the way you’re presented in the papers and the fact you’re an actress, I thought you’d be a stuck-up little princess. Turns out I was completely wrong. You were, and still are, a genuinely nice person. Sometimes sickeningly good, but nevertheless, a great person to be around. You have a kind-heart and infectious laughter. When I’m around you, I feel happy,” he looked pained but continued, “I don’t like getting close to people, but with you it almost feels natural. Which, I guess, leads me on to my final question, would you…”

  Suddenly, the phone started ringing and vibrating loudly on the table. Jennifer jumped up, bile rising in her throat as she fought to keep back from the dreaded call. Ace gently pushed her back onto the couch and slid the mobile in front of her. Distressed, she fumbled for the phone and pressed down on the green button. The plan was in action.

  Chapter 13


  His mutilated voice echoed out over the loud speaker, spreading its filth throughout the sanctity of the cabin. Ace wanted to reach through the phone and strangle the fucker with his bare hands.

  “Jenny. I know you’re there. Answer me.”

  Jennifer had been staring at the mobile for a solid minute, dead silent, her face a milky white. Ace wished he could talk for her, but this was something she had to face alone at that moment. He didn’t want the bastard knowing he was listening in on the conversation. Without thinking, Ace reached across the couch and squeezed her hand in his. Her fingers were soft but tense with fear. It seemed to provide her with the strength to finally speak.

  “What do you want with me, M?”

  “Ah, how I love your voice. It caresses me like a mother would caress her newborn child. Do you want children with me, Jenny? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to watch our offspring grow older, knowing they came from the union of true soulmates. Isn’t that something you dream about?”

  Ace watched as his little tigress trembled as she spoke, “I don’t want anything to do with you, you sick freak. I want you to leave me the fuck alone. I just want you out of my life.”

  “Don’t play games with me Jenny, darling. You know that isn’t an option. We are destined to be together one way or another. I think you’ve strung me along long enough now. It is time we take the spotlight together as the couple of the millennia. Are you ready, my sweet angel?”

  “Ready for what?”

  “For us to be together, for now and all eternity. It is time we finally met. No more making me jealous with your boy toy in the cabin. You’re mine and only mine,” they could hear the anger build in his voice, “I demand you give me the respect I deserve. You are to get rid of that fucking asshole and come to me. Alone.”

  “I’m not sure…”

  “There’s no reason to fear me. You know I love you, and once we meet you will finally realize we were meant for one another. Come to me, my sweet Jenny. Let us finally unite in our love.”

  “Where would we meet? I’m in the middle of nowhere and I don’t think Mr. Bailey would let me leave by myself.”

  “Don’t you dare fucking bring him! I’ll kill him on sight if he appears.”

  Jennifer looked over at Ace, worriedly biting her lip. He nodded and squeezed her hand once more. She continued.

  “Okay, I understand. If you love me like you say then I know you would never harm me. Where should I go and what time?”

  “Ah, you’re finally starting to see things right, my sweet little Jenny. Tomorrow evening, at 8 pm, we shall meet at the coordinates I shall text to you once you�
�re already driving. I need to know you’re coming alone so once I have confirmed you are the only person in the car, then I shall send you the directions for your GPS.”

  “How will you know I’m alone?”

  “To begin with, I trust you will do the right thing wholeheartedly. Secondly, you may have found the tracker I implanted on your car, but if you think that’s the only sensor I’ve got wired in there, then you must be crazy. I need to keep an eye on you at all times, sweet pea. I need to keep you safe from people like Mr. Bailey. Do not try and remove the tracker or I will kill your bodyguard. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, M, I do. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait to see you, my love. Until then, my sweet Jenny.”

  The line went dead. Jennifer sunk into the couch cushions, her face still drained of color and her whole body shaking. Ace wrapped her up in her arms as she started to sob uncontrollably. Her whole body wracked as her emotions took over. He held her tight, wishing he could take away the pain with every fiber of his being. Stroking her hair, he kept her wrapped up until he felt her pull away. She wiped her face with the back of her sleeve and tried to regain composure.

  “What now?” she mewed.

  “Now, you go rest. I have a couple of phone calls to make and you need to sleep this day off. Tomorrow is the last day you have to deal with all this shit. I promise.”

  Ace could see she wanted to resist but she had no strength left in her. The shock of events today had taking their toll and, with the gentlest of nods, she went upstairs. He listened as her soft footsteps faded away and he heard the click of her bedroom door as she hid herself away from the pain of reality.

  Ace needed to call in a favor.


  “We just need to transfer her SIM’s unique cryptographic key to your phone. I need the IMSI number from the SIM and I can get the authentication code electronically.”

  Ace stared at Lenny as he hacked away at his laptop’s keyboard. Lenny was a small man with rich dark brown skin and kinky orange hair. He looked like he had jumped right out of a Japanese comic and it always fascinated Ace to see the man work. Ace had met Lenny through the mafia and he was introduced as their technological genius. The guy could hack into the CIA at the blink of an eye if he needed to. He hadn’t understood a word that had just come out of his friend’s mouth, but he nodded along encouragingly. The fans on the laptop whirred as Lenny happily tapped away. Ace was surprised that he had managed to get out to the cabin so fast, but he was glad that his friend had answered his desperate call of urgency.